Ravenous Lindwurm MTG Card

Lindwurm’s entrance offers a significant life gain, transforming it into a valuable asset in the match. Well-rounded resource investment with its powerful presence that can escalate the game’s momentum. Navigating around its mana demands and high cost is crucial for seamless deck integration.
Ravenous Lindwurm - Kaldheim
Mana cost
Converted mana cost6
TypeCreature — Wurm
Set symbol
Set nameKaldheim
Set codeKHM
Power 6
Toughness 6
Illustred byFilip Burburan

Text of card

When Ravenous Lindwurm enters the battlefield, you gain 4 life.

"I'm no coward, but I'd sooner tangle with a rampaging Torga troll than a hungry lindwurm!" —Yegar, Beskir warrior

Cards like Ravenous Lindwurm

Ravenous Lindwurm stands out in the pantheon of green creature cards in MTG due to its combination of size and life gain. When you cast this formidable wurm, you not only get a 6/6 creature that can dominate the battlefield, but you also gain 4 life, tipping the scales in your favor. This card echoes the life-giving qualities of cards like Thragtusk, which, upon entry, gives you 5 life and leaves behind a token if it leaves the battlefield.

Another creature that resonates with Ravenous Lindwurm is Pelakka Wurm. While the Pelakka Wurm costs one additional mana, it provides a heftier life increase of 7 and guarantees you a card draw when it enters the battlefield. Both cards serve as substantial threats with added benefits, making them strong picks in decks that thrive on life gain and board presence.

In examining these similar cards, it’s clear that Ravenous Lindwurm offers a sizeable body and immediate life gain, making it a powerful ally in MTG matches. While there may be other creatures that offer incremental advantages, the immediacy and simplicity of the Lindwurm’s effect make for a straightforward, impactful choice in many game situations.

Thragtusk - MTG Card versions
Pelakka Wurm - MTG Card versions
Thragtusk - MTG Card versions
Pelakka Wurm - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Ravenous Lindwurm by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Ravenous Lindwurm provides a significant boost to life total when it enters the battlefield, which can be a form of indirect card advantage. Larger creatures often require multiple cards from an opponent to be dealt with, making the Lindwurm a valuable single-card threat.

Resource Acceleration: While the Lindwurm itself doesn’t directly accelerate resources, its substantial body for its mana cost can quickly ramp up the pressure on your opponent, potentially accelerating the game towards a win before they can stabilize.

Instant Speed: The power of Ravenous Lindwurm lies in its raw stats and the immediate life gain upon casting, which offers a robust defensive play. Even though it doesn’t operate at instant speed, its impact on the board can still be felt immediately, altering the pace of the game in your favor.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While the Ravenous Lindwurm provides a notable life gain, players must consider strategies if it’s discarded for another card’s cost or effect due to a full hand or specific deck tactics.

Specific Mana Cost: The Lindwurm commands a mana combination that requires both green and other specific resources. This can sometimes hamper its summoning in a multi-colored deck that might struggle with mana fluidity.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a requirement of six mana to bring this creature to the battlefield, the Lindwurm competes with other high-impact cards which may offer immediate board presence or value. Savvy players weigh its cost against potential tempo loss when curating their deck.

Reasons to Include Ravenous Lindwurm in Your Collection

Versatility: Ravenous Lindwurm provides immediate life gain along with a substantial body on the battlefield. This allows it to function as both a defensive measure against aggressive strategies and a potent offensive creature in decks that aim to stabilize quickly.

Combo Potential: Deck builders often look for creatures that offer more than just raw stats, and Ravenous Lindwurm’s life gain on entry makes it an excellent combo piece in strategies focused on life manipulation or cards that trigger upon gaining life.

Meta-Relevance: With the influx of high-powered creatures and spells, having a creature that can sway the tide of battle while bolstering your life total is invaluable. In a meta where maintaining board presence can be key, the Lindwurm ensures you remain competitive.

How to beat

The Ravenous Lindwurm is a hefty creature in the world of MTG, known for its power to gain life upon entering the battlefield. Confronting such a creature requires a strategic approach. Removal spells are your go-to solution. Consider options such as Murder, which can dispatch the Lindwurm regardless of its size. Alternatively, board wipes like Wrath of God can effectively clear the board of these creatures along with any other threats.

If direct removal isn’t an option, countering the Lindwurm before it even hits the field can be highly effective. Spells like Essence Scatter are designed to target creature spells specifically, keeping your life total safe from the Lindwurm’s entrance effect. Lastly, one could outpace the life gain with aggressive strategies. By applying constant pressure and maintaining a swift pace, you can overwhelm your opponent before the Lindwurm’s impact is felt. It’s about finding the right balance in your deck to mitigate the advantages the Lindwurm could bring to your opponent.

Ultimately, the Ravenous Lindwurm is formidable but not invincible. With the right tools and timing, you can ensure that this massive wurm doesn’t tip the scales in your opponent’s favor.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Ravenous Lindwurm MTG card by a specific set like Kaldheim, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Ravenous Lindwurm and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Ravenous Lindwurm has restrictions
