Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares MTG Card

Draw cards and control the game’s pace with “Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares” under specific conditions. Instant speed allows dynamic play, reacting to opponents or altering strategies on the fly. The card’s mana cost and discard requirement may limit its use in certain decks or situations.
Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares - Archenemy Schemes
Set symbol
Set nameArchenemy Schemes
Set codeOARC
Illustred byPaul Bonner

Text of card

When you set this scheme in motion, each opponent sacrifices a creature. Then each opponent who didn't sacrifice a creature discards two cards.

"But nothing will end your regret."

Cards like Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares

Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares is a distinctive spell that weaves its way into the fabric of control decks in Magic: The Gathering. It finds its peers in the realm of impactful sorceries like Damnation and Wrath of God, both of which are renowned for their ability to clear the battlefield. However, Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares brings its own unique flavor by allowing players to dictate the terms of engagement, offering a strategic advantage that purely destructive spells lack.

In the vein of creature control, Toxic Deluge is an analog worth mentioning, as it similarly gives players control over the board at the cost of life points. The flexibility of determining how much life to pay makes it a powerful option, yet Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares doesn’t compromise on life points. If considering versatility, Terminus is another comparable card that puts creatures on the bottom of their owners’ libraries, but it doesn’t provide the same opportunity to selectively retain key creatures.

Ultimately, when compared to its counterparts, this card adds depth to gameplay, offering nuanced strategy and control. It stands out as a versatile option for players who value tactical board management over the outright devastation of their opponents’ creatures.

Damnation - MTG Card versions
Wrath of God - MTG Card versions
Toxic Deluge - MTG Card versions
Terminus - MTG Card versions
Damnation - MTG Card versions
Wrath of God - MTG Card versions
Toxic Deluge - MTG Card versions
Terminus - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: “Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares” offers player card draw based on certain game conditions, giving you the potential to refill your hand and secure the cards needed to control the game’s pace and outcome.

Resource Acceleration: By potentially discarding cards, this card can be utilized as a resource acceleration tool. It allows you to sift through your deck and access the crucial resources you need faster, leading to more rapid and potent plays.

Instant Speed: This spell’s ability to be cast at instant speed provides flexibility, allowing you to respond to your opponent’s actions during their turn or make last-minute decisions that can create for more dynamic and strategic gameplay.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: The ability of Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares demands discarding from the player, which can be a strategic setback if you are already dealing with a depleted hand. This can be particularly taxing in formats where maintaining card advantage is crucial.

Specific Mana Cost: Although diverse in its casting options, Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares does necessitate a particular mana alignment, which might not align seamlessly with every deck. This may restrict its flexibility and hinder its inclusion in certain strategies that cannot accommodate this requirement efficiently.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With its mana cost sitting at the higher end of the spectrum for its effect, there can be some hesitation among players when considering its place in a deck. In a game where tempo can dictate the winner, the cost of Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares could prove to be a prohibitive factor, particularly when there are alternatives that might fulfill similar roles for less mana.

Reasons to Include Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares in Your Collection

Versatility: Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares offers a unique twist as a versatile removal card. It can disrupt opponents’ plays in both quick matches and prolonged battles, removing threats before they become insurmountable.

Combo Potential: This card can be a key piece in setups that revolve around life total manipulation or strategies that involve graveyard interaction. Its ability to scale its effect based on the game state can lead to surprising turnovers.

Meta-Relevance: Given how dynamic and ever-changing the game’s landscape is, Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares can adapt to numerous environments. It’s particularly potent in a meta where life-gain decks or resource denial strategies are prevalent, offering high impact at critical moments.

How to beat

“Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares” is an intriguing card in MTG, often leaving opponents scrambling for answers. Overcoming this particular card centers around understanding its mechanisms and strategizing accordingly. Key to tackling this card’s challenge is prioritizing removal spells or abilities that can target enchantments, as it is often played to lock down the late game. Having efficient enchantment removal in your deck, such as Naturalize or Disenchant, will serve you well.

Alternatively, opt for competitive counterplay by using counterspells to prevent “Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares” from hitting the board in the first place. Deploying a card like Negate or Dovin’s Veto can save you from its sticky snare. In decks that can’t house traditional removal, consider indirect strategies; for instance, putting pressure early on to reduce your opponent’s resources or employing hexproof to shield your critical cards.

In essence, staying proactive and maintaining the means to disrupt or pre-empt this card’s activation will give you a fighting chance. Being well-prepared for what your opponent might play makes “Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares” less daunting and sets you on a path to victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares MTG card by a specific set like Archenemy Schemes, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares and other MTG cards:

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Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Only Blood Ends Your Nightmares card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2010-06-15 Each opponent who can sacrifice a creature must do so, and thus won’t discard any cards. Each opponent who can’t sacrifice a creature (either because they don’t control any, or because they control Tajuru Preserver) will wind up discarding two cards. Your opponents have no choice in the matter.