Nullhide Ferox MTG Card

Offers strong card advantage with a cost-effective 6/6 creature for just four mana. Hexproof ability impacts an opponent’s strategy by restricting targeted spells. Dual green mana requirement can limit deck versatility, impacting deck building.
Nullhide Ferox - Guilds of Ravnica
Mana cost
Converted mana cost4
TypeCreature — Beast
Abilities Hexproof
Set symbol
Set nameGuilds of Ravnica
Set codeGRN
Power 6
Toughness 6
Illustred byFilip Burburan

Text of card

Hexproof You can't cast noncreature spells. : Nullhide Ferox loses all abilities until end of turn. Any player may activate this ability. If a spell or ability an opponent controls causes you to discard Nullhide Ferox, put it onto the battlefield instead of putting it into your graveyard.

Cards like Nullhide Ferox

Nullhide Ferox stands as a mighty creature within the diverse realm of Magic: The Gathering creatures. It shares its beastly prowess with cards like Carnage Tyrant, which also prides itself on a robust power and toughness. Yet, Nullhide Ferox offers a unique edge with its hexproof ability, which disallows your opponents from targeting it, unlike the shroud ability of its counterpart.

Another similar card is Vine Mare, which also boasts hexproof, ensuring it’s not easily disrupted by your adversary’s spells. Both cards share an affinity for resisting targeted spells, yet Vine Mare is slimmer in stats and lacks the non-creature spell restrictions that come with Nullhide Ferox. Loxodon Smiter is in this comparison too, conveniently bypassing counterspells and slotting into your battlefield without hassle. Though without the hexproof safeguard, it remains more vulnerable than Nullhide Ferox.

Considering the advantages and trade-offs among these green creatures, Nullhide Ferox not only emerges as a formidable presence on the battlefield but also as a challenging puzzle for opponents to deal with, ensuring its distinguished position among its peers.

Carnage Tyrant - MTG Card versions
Vine Mare - MTG Card versions
Loxodon Smiter - MTG Card versions
Carnage Tyrant - MTG Card versions
Vine Mare - MTG Card versions
Loxodon Smiter - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Nullhide Ferox by color, type and mana cost

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Decks using this card

MTG decks using Nullhide Ferox. Dig deeper into the strategy of decks, sideboard cards, list ideas and export to play in ARENA or MOL.

Abzan VampiresAbzan Vampires PioneerAbzan VampiresPioneer Preliminary 2024-05-02
Mono-Green StompyMono-Green Stompy GladiatorGladiator Team Unified League
Mono-Green RampMono-Green Ramp GladiatorGladiator Team Unified League

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Nullhide Ferox shines in the aspect of card advantage by providing a formidable 6/6 creature for only four mana. This stark undercut on mana cost for the stats offered means you’re getting more power on the board than you’re investing compared to many other cards.

Resource Acceleration: While Nullhide Ferox doesn’t directly produce additional resources, its low mana cost for a high-impact creature accelerates the board state in your favor. This allows you to allocate resources to other spells and strategies much more efficiently, maintaining tempo and pressure.

Instant Speed: Though Nullhide Ferox is not an instant itself, its passive ability has instant speed implications. It forces opponents to pay an additional cost to target it with spells or abilities, making it a card that interacts with the game at all speeds. This can disrupt the flow of the opponent’s game, causing them to alter their strategies.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: One drawback of Nullhide Ferox is its hexproof disabling clause, which our MTG community often finds can backfire. Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, its tough defenses can be turned off with a simple discard, potentially leaving you vulnerable to an opponent’s removal spells. It’s a challenging balancing act, especially for those players who leverage a mix of spells and creatures in their strategy.

Specific Mana Cost: This beast demands a specific mana cost, requiring two green mana. This effectively pigeonholes it into green-based decks and can be problematic for multi-colored deck pilots looking to maintain a consistent mana base across a diverse color spectrum.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: The mana value of Nullhide Ferox sits at the higher end, potentially slowing down your gameplay in the crucial early turns. While its 6/6 stats are formidable, the four mana needed—including the two green—can be steep when considering other options or trying to maintain tempo against faster, more aggressive decks that capitalize on lower-cost creatures to quickly overwhelm their opponents.

Reasons to Include Nullhide Ferox in Your Collection

Versatility: Nullhide Ferox is a robust addition to any green deck thanks to its well-balanced stats. This 6/6 creature for four mana offers a strong board presence and can be a significant threat even in the late game. Its versatility extends to various formats, whether you’re enhancing your Standard deck or giving your Commander matches a power boost.

Combo Potential: Known for its unique ability to limit noncreature spells, Nullhide Ferox thrives in decks that focus on creature-based strategies. Its potential to combo with cards that benefit from having a reduced ability to cast noncreature spells can shape and strengthen your overall strategy.

Meta-Relevance: In an environment where targeted discard strategies are prevalent, Nullhide Ferox stands as an effective countermeasure. Its ability to be cast for free if discarded by an opponent’s spell can turn a seemingly disadvantageous situation into a formidable presence on your side of the battlefield, keeping you relevant in the current MTG meta.

How to beat

Nullhide Ferox presents a unique challenge on the battlefield with its hefty 6/6 stats and its capacity to shut down noncreature spells for the player who controls it. To overcome this formidable creature, direct removal spells that don’t target are your best bet. Board wipes like Wrath of God or board-clearing effects that don’t single out Nullhide Ferox can efficiently clear the creature from play without triggering its hexproof condition.

Additionally, trading creatures in battle to wear down Nullhide Ferox can be effective, especially if you can afford the cost of creatures more than your opponent can. Utilizing sacrifice effects where your opponent has to choose a creature to sacrifice, such as Plaguecrafter or Liliana’s Triumph, bypasses the hexproof ability as well. It’s crucial to plan your turns to not fall prey to its powerful abilities and instead turn its own restrictions against it. Strategic play and knowing when to hold back or apply pressure can eventually corner the player with Nullhide Ferox into a vulnerable position.

In sum, while Nullhide Ferox is a potent force in MTG, careful planning and the right removal strategies can neutralize its impact, thus securing your path to victory.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Nullhide Ferox MTG card by a specific set like Guilds of Ravnica, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Nullhide Ferox and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Nullhide Ferox has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Nullhide Ferox card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2018-10-05 Nullhide Ferox’s activated ability can be activated only while it’s on the battlefield. Players can’t, for example, activate it to try to stop its replacement effect from putting it onto the battlefield.
2018-10-05 Once Nullhide Ferox has lost its activated ability that makes it lose its abilities, that ability can’t be activated again until the turn’s over.
2018-10-05 Once Nullhide Ferox’s activated ability has resolved, it can gain new abilities. It won’t lose those abilities.