Norn's Dominion MTG Card

Norn’s Dominion offers card advantage and can accelerate resources to dominate the battlefield. Instant speed interaction provides adaptability, though it requires strategic discarding. Its niche abilities make it crucial for counter-based decks but challenging due to mana costs.
Norn's Dominion - Planechase Anthology Planes
TypePlane — New Phyrexia
Set symbol
Set namePlanechase Anthology Planes
Set codeOPCA
Illustred byIgor Kieryluk

Text of card

When you planeswalk away from Norn's Dominion, destroy each nonland permanent without a fate counter on it, then remove all fate counters from all permanents. Whenever you roll {Chaos}, you may put a fate counter on target permanent.

Cards like Norn's Dominion

Norn’s Dominion brings a unique twist to the array of enchantments in Magic: The Gathering. It bears some resemblances to cards like Doubling Season, which is celebrated for its ability to double the number of counters and tokens you create. Norn’s Dominion, however, forges its own path with a more targeted approach, affecting only creatures you own with modular, graft, or other counter-centric abilities.

It invites comparison to Hardened Scales, a card that increases the value of placing counters on your creatures. While both amplify the capabilities of your creatures, Norn’s Dominion offers a broader scope, having the potential to affect multiple creatures at once. Another relative in this category is Cathars’ Crusade, a card that ensures all your creatures grow together. Yet, unlike Cathars’ Crusade’s transient boost, Norn’s Dominion focuses on enhancing creatures that already interact with counters, presenting a more synergistic long-term advantage in specific deck builds.

Ultimately, when examining the enhancements Norn’s Dominion provides, it stands out within MTG as an asset to decks built around counter manipulation. This niche focus makes it a potent and strategic inclusion in the right circumstances.

Doubling Season - MTG Card versions
Hardened Scales - MTG Card versions
Cathars' Crusade - MTG Card versions
Doubling Season - MTG Card versions
Hardened Scales - MTG Card versions
Cathars' Crusade - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Norn’s Dominion shines by potentially offering significant card advantage. If played strategically, it can lead to drawing multiple cards, outpacing your opponents and bolstering your hand with more options.

Resource Acceleration: This powerful enchantment can manipulate the battlefield to accelerate your resources. Every turn, it can generate additional mana or other beneficial effects, setting the stage for a stronger, more impactful presence in the game.

Instant Speed: While Norn’s Dominion is not an instant itself, its ability to interact with spells at instant speed offers flexibility. It allows you to adapt swiftly to the ever-changing tides of MTG matches, ensuring that your strategy remains as elusive as it is forceful.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: One of the drawbacks that comes with Norn’s Dominion is the necessity to discard cards to unleash its full potential. This could potentially leave you vulnerable, especially if your hand is already depleted. Balancing your hand with the advantage the card provides becomes a critical aspect of gameplay.

Specific Mana Cost: Norn’s Dominion demands a rigorous mana setup, which includes not just any mana but a particular combination. This requirement might not sync with all deck types, limiting its versatility and making it a less flexible choice during deck construction.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a relatively steep mana curve, Norn’s Dominion might be a challenging card to play early on. Players may find other cards with lower mana requirements to be more efficient, especially in the early to mid-game when setting a strong board presence is crucial.

Reasons to Include Norn’s Dominion in Your Collection

Versatility: Norn’s Dominion brings a level of flexibility that can fortify various deck archetypes. As a card that interacts with counters, it can easily slide into decks that capitalize on +1/+1 counter strategies or manipulate counters for incremental advantages.

Combo Potential: This card seamlessly integrates with combos that require altering or moving counters. Its ability to impact multiple creatures makes it a key piece in synergy-focused decks, unlocking combos by adjusting the state of the board to your favor.

Meta-Relevance: In a meta where counter manipulation is pivotal, Norn’s Dominion stands out as a card that can swing games. It can disrupt opponent strategies that rely on counters while empowering your own game plan, making it a prudent pick in an ever-evolving competitive scene.

How to Beat

Norn’s Dominion is a card that demands a blend of strategy and resource management. Facing this powerful enchantment can be daunting due to its creature creation ability. Ensuring that you stay ahead starts with a solid understanding of enchantment removal spells within the game. Specific cards geared toward this purpose, like Naturalize or Disenchant, can dispose of such threats before they overwhelm the battlefield with creatures.

Control decks shine against Norn’s Dominion, as the key is maintaining a grip over the game state. Counterspells are also precious in your arsenal, providing a preventive solution by stopping Norn’s Dominion from hitting the field in the first place. Adaptability is crucial, so pacing your plays smartly, responding swiftly, and keeping removal or counter magic in hand for pivotal moments can tilt the odds in your favor against this formidable enchantment.

Lastly, since Norn’s Dominion can significantly alter combat dynamics, flying creatures or those with evasion abilities can bypass the created tokens. Proper deck tuning for these alternatives can shift the momentum, giving you the maneuvers needed to circumvent the challenges posed by Norn’s Dominion.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Norn's Dominion MTG card by a specific set like Planechase Anthology Planes, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Norn's Dominion and other MTG cards:

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Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Norn's Dominion card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2012-06-01 Fate counters put on permanents in other ways (such as with Oblivion Stone) will cause those permanents to not be destroyed and will be removed when the first ability resolves.