Moonveil Dragon MTG Card

Offers card advantage and resource acceleration, significantly altering the pace and power of gameplay. Diverse strategic utility, from a flying finisher to enabling powerful combos in dragon-centric decks. Countered effectively through instant speed removal, counterspells, and board wipes to manage its impact.
Moonveil Dragon - Dark Ascension
Mana cost
Converted mana cost6
TypeCreature — Dragon
Abilities Flying
Set symbol
Set nameDark Ascension
Set codeDKA
Power 5
Toughness 5
Illustred byTodd Lockwood

Text of card

Flying : Each creature you control gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

"Their hearts beat, their lungs draw breath, and they have one true form. I count them as allies of the living." —Thalia, Knight-Cathar

Cards like Moonveil Dragon

Moonveil Dragon is a potent entity in the realm of MTG, offering a unique blend of abilities that can sway the tide of battle. Peering at the card’s kindred spirits, one might compare it with Thundermaw Hellkite. Both dragons command the skies with haste, ensuring immediate impact upon summoning. However, Moonveil Dragon’s prowess lies in its ability to grant a power boost to your other creatures for every red mana you spend, unlike Thundermaw Hellkite that focuses on tapping potential blockers and inflicting damage.

Stormbreath Dragon emerges as another relative, brandishing protection from white spells that Moonveil Dragon lacks. Yet, Moonveil provides a broader strategic advantage by enabling you to discard a card to essentially grow your entire team, a feature that Stormbreath doesn’t share. Then comes Glorybringer, which offers exertion to eliminate opposing threats upon attacking. Despite its utility, Glorybringer lacks the continuous buffing capability that Moonveil Dragon boasts, making Moonveil a more versatile offensive threat in decks that can leverage the color-specific mana investment.

In the vast landscape of MTG, Moonveil Dragon distinguishes itself among dragon cards with its synergy-enabling capability that can accelerate a winning momentum, marking its status as a formidable force when weighing its abilities against its draconic counterparts.

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Thundermaw Hellkite - MTG Card versions
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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Moonveil Dragon’s ability to grant all Dragons you control the capacity to draw cards upon dealing damage offers a substantial edge. This benefit potentially yields multiple cards per combat, solidifying your advantageous position on the battlefield.

Resource Acceleration: The ability of Moonveil Dragon to generate a mana of any color when you discard a card creates opportunities for resource acceleration. This can quickly turn the tide in your favor by enabling more demanding plays earlier than typical mana curves would allow.

Instant Speed: Although Moonveil Dragon itself is not cast at instant speed, its activated ability can be used during any phase of the game, including your opponent’s turn. This fluidity maximizes adaptability, allowing you to react dynamically to your opponent’s actions and maintain pressure.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: For the Moonveil Dragon’s activated ability, players must discard a card, which could deplete a player’s hand and reduce their options, especially if they are not holding a card they are willing or able to discard.

Specific Mana Cost: Moonveil Dragon demands a particular blend of mana, specifically one red mana, which might restrict its use predominantly to mono-red or two-color decks, potentially excluding it from more diverse mana-base decks.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a casting cost of six mana, which includes three red mana, Moonveil Dragon is considered mana-intensive. This could delay its appearance on the battlefield, making it less competitive against decks that ramp quickly or play lower-cost creatures for faster board presence.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Moonveil Dragon provides a flexible threat that adapts well to various strategies. As a flying creature, it can serve as a reliable finisher in red-based decks or as part of a larger dragon tribal theme for added synergy.

Combo Potential: With its ability to grant all your creatures a boost in power for each red mana you spend, this dragon excels in combinations with decks that produce large amounts of mana or have untap mechanics, magnifying the potential for game-ending swings.

Meta-Relevance: In a meta where flying creatures are less contested or strong finishers are needed to close games, Moonveil Dragon’s impact can be a major turning point during gameplay, providing a substantial advantage against opponents with fewer aerial defenses.

How to Beat

Moonveil Dragon stands out as a formidable creature in any MTG deck that harnesses the power of red mana. Its capacity to enhance the strength of other creatures and provide a consistent method for discarding and drawing cards makes it a threat on the battlefield. To effectively counter Moonveil Dragon, it is imperative for players to prioritize removal spells that can deal with this flying menace before its abilities can be activated. A strong defense against Moonveil Dragon often involves keeping instant speed removal like ‘Fatal Push’ or ‘Path to Exile’ at the ready. Moreover, strategies that limit the opponent’s ability to draw cards or force them to sacrifice creatures can dismantle the advantage that Moonveil Dragon provides.

Another tactical approach involves utilizing counterspells to prevent the dragon from entering the battlefield in the first place. Cards such as ‘Counterspell’ or ‘Dovin’s Veto’ can be crucial in stopping your opponent’s key plays. Similarly, board wipes like ‘Supreme Verdict’ or ‘Damnation’ can reset the playing field, neutralizing the advantage garnered by Moonveil Dragon’s presence. By incorporating these tactics in your deck and playing strategically, you can increase your chances of overcoming the challenge posed by this formidable dragon.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Moonveil Dragon MTG card by a specific set like Dark Ascension, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Moonveil Dragon and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Moonveil Dragon has restrictions
