Lightning-Rig Crew MTG Card

Lightning-Rig Crew offers consistent damage, boosting Pirate decks while exerting pressure on the opponent. Being red-specific and mana-intensive could limit its inclusion in more versatile or faster decks. This creature’s prominence in certain metas showcases its adaptability and persistent threat level.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost3
TypeCreature — Goblin Pirate
Power 0
Toughness 5

Text of card

: Lightning-Rig Crew deals 1 damage to each opponent. Whenever you cast a Pirate spell, untap Lightning-Rig Crew.

A pirate ship in battle is a storm of activity.

Cards like Lightning-Rig Crew

Lightning-Rig Crew offers MTG deck builders a unique tool for red-based strategies. As a card resembling cards like Thermo-Alchemist and Lobber Crew, it stands out for its ability to deal direct damage to opponents. Thermo-Alchemist, comparable in nature, also pings opponents while enabling you to untap by playing instants or sorceries, fostering a spell-slinging playstyle. Lobber Crew shares the same trait of dealing damage to each opponent but has the added flexibility of untapping whenever you cast a multicolored spell.

Yet, Lightning-Rig Crew is distinct with its synergy in Pirate-themed decks, offering incremental damage with each Pirate cast, which can quickly add up in such builds. It contrasts with Firebrand Archer which deals damage when you cast a noncreature spell, situating Lightning-Rig Crew as a more creature-focused alternative. In terms of cost-efficiency, Goblin Chainwhirler stands out as another red creature that can damage each opponent, but it offers an immediate impact with its enter-the-battlefield effect unlike the Crew’s cumulative damage approach.

Assessing the comparative value, Lightning-Rig Crew is a specialized card that can steadily wear down opponents in the right deck, particularly where Pirate synergies are maximized, marking its unique position in MTG’s panorama of red damage-dealers.

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Goblin Chainwhirler - MTG Card versions
Thermo-Alchemist - MTG Card versions
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Goblin Chainwhirler - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Lightning-Rig Crew by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Lightning-Rig Crew can be a steady source of card advantage in your deck, dealing damage each time you cast a Pirate, chipping away at opponents’ life totals while you maintain control of the board.

Resource Acceleration: Although not directly providing mana or treasure, the crew’s consistent damage output can accelerate your game plan by helping maintain a clear path for your more aggressive plays.

Instant Speed: While Lightning-Rig Crew itself isn’t an instant, its untap ability can unexpectedly increase damage output during your opponent’s turn, effectively functioning as a surprise tactic that can disrupt their strategy, much like an instant would.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Cards like Lightning-Rig Crew do not specifically require discarding as part of their ability, which in turn takes away the concern of a discard penalty affecting your hand.

Specific Mana Cost: Lightning-Rig Crew has a specific mana cost, needing two colorless and one red to cast. This requirement potentially restricts it to red-centric or multicolored decks, reducing its versatility in decks not tailored to accommodate red mana easily.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a three mana value, Lightning-Rig Crew might be considered a bit expensive considering its ability to deal just one damage to an opponent each time you tap it. In a format where speed and efficiency are key, some may find that it doesn’t provide a strong enough impact on the game quickly enough.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Lightning-Rig Crew is a card that easily slots into numerous red-based decks. Its ability to tap for direct damage adds a steady tempo to the game, pressuring opponents regardless of your board state.

Combo Potential: In decks built around untapping mechanics or dealing noncombat damage, this creature can become a linchpin for innovative combos. It interacts well with cards that respond to pinging effects or have prowess-like abilities.

Meta-Relevance: Given the ever-evolving nature of the meta, Lightning-Rig Crew holds its ground in environments where long games are commonplace. As it whittles down opponent life totals, it can alter the pacing of the match and become a persistent threat that demands an answer.

How to beat Lightning-Rig Crew

Lightning-Rig Crew, a conspicuous presence in pirate-themed decks, can relentlessly chip away at an opponent’s life total. This card’s potency lies in its ability to deal damage each time you cast a pirate, effectively making your swashbuckling spells double as burn spells. As a card that can slowly deplete an opponent’s health, Lightning-Rig Crew demands a strategic approach to defeat.

To counteract this relentless damage dealer, consider using creature removal to clear it off the board. Spells like Murder or Path to Exile can handle the Crew efficiently before its damage output becomes a significant threat. Additionally, enchantments such as Pacifism can neutralize the Crew without having to remove it from the battlefield. It’s also wise to limit the number of pirates you let onto the board; fewer pirates mean fewer chances for Lightning-Rig Crew to trigger its ability.

Keeping a close eye on the battlefield and prioritizing the removal of key threats like Lightning-Rig Crew can greatly improve your chances of maintaining a healthy life total. By disrupting your opponent’s plans and managing your resources carefully, you can navigate around the hurdles this card presents and sail towards victory.

BurnMana Recommendations

Assessing the nuanced abilities of Lightning-Rig Crew offers a treasure trove of insights for MTG enthusiasts. Whether you’re anchoring down a Pirate-themed deck or seeking to integrate new strategies into your game, understanding the synergy and potential of this card is key. Dive deeper into the mechanics of red-based deck building, explore combos that amplify your gameplay, and stay ahead of the meta with our comprehensive guides. Engage with a community of like-minded players, and together, chart a course toward mastery. Embark on your journey with us, and ensure your deck is not just ready for battle but equipped for triumph.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Lightning-Rig Crew MTG card by a specific set like Ixalan and Commander Legends, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Lightning-Rig Crew and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Lightning-Rig Crew Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2017-09-29 and 2020-11-20. Illustrated by Filip Burburan.

12017-09-29IxalanXLN 1502015NormalBlackFilip Burburan
22020-11-20Commander LegendsCMR 1902015NormalBlackFilip Burburan


Magic the Gathering formats where Lightning-Rig Crew has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Lightning-Rig Crew card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2017-09-29 In a Two-Headed Giant game, Lightning-Rig Crew's activated ability causes the opposing team to lose 2 life.
2020-11-10 An ability that triggers when a player casts a spell resolves before the spell that caused it to trigger. It resolves even if that spell is countered.