Griffin Rider MTG Card

Griffin Rider leverages Griffin allies for a potent board presence and game tempo. While powerful, its effectiveness wanes if stripped of Griffin companions or facing heavy control. Amassing Griffin Rider can enhance both themed collections and specific combat strategies.
Griffin Rider - Magic 2012
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
TypeCreature — Human Knight
Set symbol
Set nameMagic 2012
Set codeM12
Power 1
Toughness 1
Illustred bySteve Prescott

Text of card

As long as you control a Griffin creature, Griffin Rider gets +3/+3 and has flying.

After fighting alongside the griffin riders, older knights of Thune learned to admire a mount that could rip an enemy to shreds in seconds.

Cards like Griffin Rider

Griffin Rider is a unique creature piece in the ever-expansive universe of Magic: The Gathering. It stands side by side with thematic counterparts such as Cavalry Pegasus and Spire Winder. Cavalry Pegasus shares the idea of synergizing with other creatures, giving humans it flies with a lift, while Spire Winder gains an advantage with its ascend ability, rewarding you for controlling ten or more permanents with a power boost. Unlike these cards, however, Griffin Rider requires the presence of a Griffin on the battlefield to unlock its potential, transforming from a mere 2/2 to a formidable 3/3 flyer.

Looking further, we find Armored Warhorse, which also calls to the enthusiasts of mounted combat. While the Warhorse offers a solid 2/2 creature with vigilance straightaway, it lacks the growth ability that Griffin Rider possesses. It’s a trade-off between consistency and the potential for power escalation. Lastly, consider the Skyhunter Skirmisher, a card that, much like Griffin Rider, looks to the skies for its advantage, offering double strike as its path to victory. However, at three mana and with a fixed power, it doesn’t present the same synergy-based possibilities that the Griffin Rider does.

Ultimately, amongst creature cards meant to partner with others for added effect, Griffin Rider has a niche role within such tribal and synergy-driven decks, balancing the act between conditional strength and aerial combat tactics.

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Skyhunter Skirmisher - MTG Card versions
Cavalry Pegasus - MTG Card versions
Spire Winder - MTG Card versions
Armored Warhorse - MTG Card versions
Skyhunter Skirmisher - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Griffin Rider excels at granting you additional board presence when paired with a Griffin, effectively providing you with two threats while only using one card.

Resource Acceleration: By synergizing with Griffin creatures, which are often powerful on their own, Griffin Rider can create sizable tempo swings, quickly putting you ahead in resource allocation without additional mana investment.

Instant Speed: While Griffin Rider itself is not an instant, it benefits greatly from instant speed spells that can summon Griffins unexpectedly. This can lead to surprise boosts in power and toughness, enabling Griffin Rider to become a formidable force at a moment’s notice.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: The Griffin Rider MTG card may necessitate the discard of another card to trigger its optimal effects. This could be a strategic setback when your hand is already running low on playable cards, reducing your overall hand advantage.

Specific Mana Cost: Having a mana cost that requires both white mana and generic mana, the Griffin Rider card can sometimes disrupt a multi-colored deck’s mana base. This can become particularly problematic in formats where mana flexibility is paramount to a deck’s success.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Despite its potential for a powerful synergy with other griffins, the Griffin Rider’s mana cost might be seen as steep, especially when compared to other creature cards in the same mana range. Some players might find that there are more cost-effective creatures to include in their deck that do not depend on a tribal synergy.

Reasons to Include Griffin Rider in Your Collection

Versatility: Griffin Rider thrives in decks with a strong flying creature theme. Its ability to get a boost when paired with a Griffin makes it a flexible choice for any airborne-focused deck.

Combo Potential: When combined with Griffin creatures, Griffin Rider becomes a significant threat. This synergy can lead to powerful combos with cards that benefit from increased creature strength and numbers.

Meta-Relevance: Within a meta that values quick aerial threats, Griffin Rider can play an essential role. It matches well against decks that are light on flying defense, giving it a niche yet practical role in certain matchups.

How to beat

Griffin Rider, while not as prevalent in the top tiers of MTG competitive play, does bring its own unique strategy to the table. This card synergizes exceptionally with any Griffin creature, gaining a considerable boost in power and toughness as well as the ability to fly. This can quickly turn a simple creature into a formidable aerial threat.

To counter a deck leveraging Griffin Rider, one effective strategy is to remove the Griffin creatures it depends on. Without a Griffin on the battlefield, Griffin Rider is merely a modestly statted human knight. Utilize removal spells that target creatures with flying or engage in bigger creatures that can withstand an attack from a powered-up Griffin Rider.

Control decks with a good amount of board wipes also pose a significant challenge for Griffin-centric strategies, as they can reset the board and leave the opponent without their key synergies. In short, breaking the synergy by focusing on removing Griffin creatures, employing disruptive board wipes, or setting up blockades with larger creatures makes Griffin Rider much less of a threat in the game.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Griffin Rider MTG card by a specific set like Magic 2012, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Griffin Rider and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Griffin Rider has restrictions
