Gorilla Berserkers MTG Card

Gorilla Berserkers can create resource advantage by forcing opponents into unfavorable trades. Its trample and Rampage 2 enrich aggressive decks, rewarding strategic board development. Overcome this card by using efficient removal or controlling the battlefield to hinder its impact.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost5
TypeCreature — Ape Berserker
Abilities Rampage,Trample
Power 2
Toughness 3

Text of card

Trample, rampage: 2 Cannot be blocked by fewer than three creatures.

"Their fury is their greatest weapon." —Taaveti of Kelsinko, Elvish Hunter

Cards like Gorilla Berserkers

Gorilla Berserkers stands out in the realm of creatures with its unique Trample ability, whereby it must be blocked by three or more creatures. This is a feature that aligns with other MTG cards like the formidable Phyrexian Obliterator, which also punishes players for blocking with its potent ability to force the sacrifice of permanents. Gorilla Berserkers shares a similar intimidation factor with cards like Taunting Elf, which can dominate a combat phase by drawing away all blocks and letting other creatures attack freely.

Despite their differences, what unifies these cards is their strategic value in combat. Cards like Rampaging Baloths may not require multiple blockers like Gorilla Berserkers, but they present a different threat by generating a 4/4 beast with every landfall, changing the dynamic of the battlefield. Each card shapes the game’s tactical decisions and could swing the momentum in favor of the player who uses them effectively.

Evaluating Gorilla Berserkers alongside its peers in creature combat showcases the depth of play available to Magic: The Gathering players, cementing its place as a formidable force in creature-based strategies.

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Phyrexian Obliterator - MTG Card versions
Taunting Elf - MTG Card versions
Rampaging Baloths - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Despite the Gorilla Berserkers not directly offering traditional card draw, its trample ability presents a potential for two-for-one scenarios. When attacking, it can potentially take out a smaller defending creature and still deal damage to the opponent, effectively removing an opposing card while maintaining your own board presence.

Resource Acceleration: Gorilla Berserkers doesn’t accelerate resources directly in terms of mana or tokens. However, its strength lies in its ability to pressure opponents into making unfavorable trades. By consistently attacking with it, you can force your opponent to deplete their resources to handle it, thereby indirectly accelerating your resource advantage through superior board state.

Instant Speed: While the Gorilla Berserkers operates at sorcery speed due to being a creature, its mechanics favor an aggressive playstyle. Thriving in deck builds that emphasize combat phases and pressure, this card rewards players for proactively developing their board. It’s important for players to consider the timing of casting this creature to maximize its impact on the game state.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: The demand to discard another card to utilize Gorilla Berserkers’ full potential may put players at a resource disadvantage, particularly in tight game situations where every card in hand counts.

Specific Mana Cost: Gorilla Berserkers require a precise combination of mana to cast. This mana intensity includes at least two green mana, which might restrict the card’s adaptability and make it a difficult fit in multicolored decks or those with a more diverse mana base.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With Gorilla Berserkers, you’re looking at a considerable mana investment. For its casting cost, the card may not compete in terms of raw power or impact with other threats or utility creatures that could take its place on the battlefield for the same or lower mana value.

Reasons to Include Gorilla Berserkers in Your Collection

Versatility: Gorilla Berserkers fits well into decks that capitalize on aggressive strategies. Its trample ability becomes particularly useful when you’re facing down decks with lots of chump blockers, allowing you to deal some damage regardless of potential blockers.

Combo Potential: This card works excellently with effects that boost its power, as it’s already tricky to block due to its ‘Rampage 2’ feature. Each creature beyond the first that’s blocking it gets it stronger, playing into power-increasing strategies perfectly.

Meta-Relevance: For classic and casual formats where slower, creature-based decks are popular, Gorilla Berserkers can serve as a reliable threat. Given the right support, it could be a game-changer against decks that lack efficient removal.

How to beat Gorilla Berserkers

Gorilla Berserkers may appear intimidating, especially with their trample ability and strength in numbers. Facing this creature in Magic: the Gathering requires a strategic approach. To overcome these ferocious simians, it’s crucial to prevent them from becoming unblockable when they’re attacking alone. Efficient removal spells such as Path to Exile or Doom Blade can effectively eliminate them before the attack becomes a problem. Alternatively, controlling the number of creatures your opponent has on the battlefield can render their strength in solitude moot.

When Gorilla Berserkers swing in, it’s important to have defenders ready. Chump blocking may seem like a loss, but preserving your life total is vital. Utilize creatures with high toughness to withstand their assault or employ spells that can weaken or negate their trample damage. Cards like Ethereal Haze can prevent combat damage altogether during a crucial turn. Lastly, keep in mind that Gorilla Berserkers has a higher casting cost. Use this to your advantage by applying early game pressure, not allowing your opponent to stabilize and bring their gorillas into play.

Overall, it’s about disrupting your opponent’s rhythm and handling Gorilla Berserkers with timely responses. Thus, when you manage your resources correctly and anticipate the looming threat of these powerful creatures, you can navigate around their aggression and secure your victory in the game.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Gorilla Berserkers MTG card by a specific set like Alliances and Alliances, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Gorilla Berserkers and other MTG cards:

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The Gorilla Berserkers Magic the Gathering card was released in 1 different sets between 1996-06-10 and 1996-06-10. Illustrated by John Matson.

11996-06-10AlliancesALL 93a1993NormalBlackJohn Matson
21996-06-10AlliancesALL 93b1993NormalBlackJohn Matson


Magic the Gathering formats where Gorilla Berserkers has restrictions
