Glamerdye MTG Card

Ability to change colors can disrupt opponent strategies or enhance your own deck’s cohesion. Casting at instant speed allows for flexible, adaptive responses to the game state. Its unique effect makes Glamerdye valuable for specific strategies and decks.
Glamerdye - Eventide
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
Abilities Retrace
Set symbol
Set nameEventide
Set codeEVE
Illustred byRalph Horsley

Text of card

Change the text of target spell or permanent by replacing all instances of one color word with another. Retrace (You may play this card from your graveyard by discarding a land card in addition to paying its other costs.)

Cards like Glamerdye

Glamerdye stands out in the realm of color-changing cards within Magic: The Gathering with its ability to permanently alter the color of a spell or a permanent. Its most direct comparison comes from a card like Alter Reality, which also provides color alteration but with a single use effect. Alter Reality lacks Glamerdye’s permanence, making Glamerdye a unique tool in long-term color strategy games.

Another card that comes into conversation is Sleight of Mind. Although this spell can only target a single word in a card text, it shares the theme of changing aspects of a spell or permanent for strategic benefits. While Sleight of Mind offers a precision change, Glamerdye grants a more sweeping effect. Then we have the card Whim of Volrath, offering similar alteration capabilities with its “buyback” mechanic allowing repeated use. Glamerdye doesn’t recur like Whim of Volrath, but it doesn’t require extra mana to maintain its effect either.

Overall, Glamerdye occupies its own niche within Magic: The Gathering’s suite of color-manipulating spells. It gives strategists a lasting influence over the game’s dynamics that can be crucial in specific deck builds and meta environments.

Alter Reality - MTG Card versions
Sleight of Mind - MTG Card versions
Whim of Volrath - MTG Card versions
Alter Reality - MTG Card versions
Sleight of Mind - MTG Card versions
Whim of Volrath - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Glamerdye by color, type and mana cost

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Echoing Truth - MTG Card versions
Early Frost - MTG Card versions
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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Glamerdye offers the potential for card advantage by allowing you to change the color of permanents or spells. By doing so, you can potentially disrupt your opponent’s strategies or enhance the synergies of your own deck.

Resource Acceleration: This card doesn’t directly accelerate resources, but its utility in manipulating colors can lead to indirect acceleration. It ensures that your colored mana sources are optimized for your current hand, which can be critical in pivotal turns.

Instant Speed: The ability to cast Glamerdye at instant speed gives you the flexibility to respond adaptively to the evolving game state. This can be used defensively to protect your permanents or offensively to alter combat outcomes or the functionality of spells on the stack.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: While Glamerdye offers flexibility in color changes, it necessitates the discard of a card. This can lead to a dwindling hand, especially detrimental in strategies where every card counts.

Specific Mana Cost: Glamerdye requires blue mana, making it exclusive to decks that can produce this type of mana. This could restrict its inclusion only to blue or multicolored decks where blue is a primary color.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Glamerdye’s mana cost is considered high for its effect. This might not be as economical or impactful compared to other lower-cost alternatives that could be included in your deck to achieve similar results or to advance your game state more effectively.

Reasons to Include Glamerdye in Your Collection

Versatility: Glamerdye’s unique ability to change the text of a spell or permanent by replacing one color word with another offers a broad range of strategic adjustments. This can be particularly useful in Commander where color identities are crucial, allowing for unexpected plays and interactions.

Combo Potential: Within the realm of combo decks, Glamerdye opens the door to numerous synergies. It can align color-specific triggers and conditions, turning an otherwise benign board state into a strategic advantage or even a game-winning scenario.

Meta-Relevance: An ever-shifting game like MTG sees frequent changes in the competitive landscape. In an environment where color-specific hate cards or protective spells are prevalent, Glamerdye offers a way to adapt on the fly, helping to maintain an edge no matter the dominant strategies of the meta.

How to beat

Glamerdye is a card that has players in MTG harnessing the power of color change to their advantage, altering the dynamics of the game in a subtle yet impactful way. To outmaneuver an opponent relying on Glamerdye, it is crucial to minimize the instances where color matters. This can be done by employing colorless creatures, spells, and permanents, thereby rendering Glamerdye less effective against your deck.

Strategic deck construction can go a long way, including the inclusion of cards that provide protection from all colors or those that are indifferent to color alterations, like artifacts or Eldrazi creatures with devoid. Furthermore, instant speed removal or counterspells can efficiently address the situation when Glamerdye targets a spell or permanent, by either negating the spell entirely or removing the target before the color change impacts the game.

Ultimately, players who anticipate color-dependent strategies and have a plan to mitigate them or adapt rapidly, diminish Glamerdye’s potential influence. Understanding the meta and preparing your deck accordingly will give you an upper hand against decks utilizing this versatile yet niche card.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Glamerdye MTG card by a specific set like Eventide, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Glamerdye and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


Magic the Gathering formats where Glamerdye has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Glamerdye card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2008-08-01 A retrace card cast from your graveyard follows the normal timing rules for its card type.
2008-08-01 Casting a card by using its retrace ability works just like casting any other spell, with two exceptions: You’re casting it from your graveyard rather than your hand, and you must discard a land card in addition to any other costs.
2008-08-01 Glamerdye affects each instance of the chosen word in the text box of the spell or permanent, as long as it’s being used as a color word. Glamerdye won’t change such words in card names, such as White Knight. It also won’t change mana symbols.
2008-08-01 Glamerdye can change color words preceded by “non.” For example, if you have it change “red” to “green,” it will also change “nonred” to “nongreen.”
2008-08-01 Glamerdye can’t affect the keyword fear.
2008-08-01 Glamerdye changes only words actually printed on the spell or permanent (if it’s a card), words that are part of the spell or permanent’s original characteristics as stated by the effect that created it (if it’s a token or a copy of a spell), or words that were granted to the spell or permanent as part of a copy effect. It won’t change words that are granted to the spell or permanent by any other effects. For example, if an Aura grants a creature protection from blue, you can change that to protection from red by targeting the Aura, but not by targeting the creature. Glamerdye also can’t change what color was chosen for a permanent (such as Painter’s Servant) as it entered the battlefield.
2008-08-01 Glamerdye’s effect has no duration. It will last until the game ends or the affected spell or permanent leaves the relevant zone, with the following exception: If Glamerdye affects an artifact, creature, enchantment, or planeswalker spell, it will also affect the permanent that spell becomes when it resolves.
2008-08-01 If the active player casts a spell that has retrace, that player may cast that card again after it resolves, before another player can remove the card from the graveyard. The active player has priority after the spell resolves, so they can immediately cast a new spell. Since casting a card with retrace from the graveyard moves that card onto the stack, no one else would have the chance to affect it while it’s still in the graveyard.
2008-08-01 When a retrace card you cast from your graveyard resolves, fails to resolve, or is countered, it’s put back into your graveyard. You may use the retrace ability to cast it again.
2008-08-01 You choose the two color words when Glamerdye resolves. You can’t change a word to the same word; you must choose a different word.