Emblem of the Warmind MTG Card

Emblem of the Warmind energizes creatures, granting haste for a swift, aggressive play style. Strategic mana and card management is essential due to Emblem’s specific costs and discard requirements. Including Emblem in your collection can amplify attack strategies and create powerful combos.
Emblem of the Warmind - Future Sight
Mana cost
Converted mana cost2
TypeEnchantment — Aura
Abilities Enchant
Set symbol
Set nameFuture Sight
Set codeFUT
Illustred byPaolo Parente

Text of card

Enchant creature you control Creatures you control have haste.

"It takes but one spark to ignite a parched forest. Our hearts, I fear, are too dry for this new visitor." —Elek Longbeard

Cards like Emblem of the Warmind

Emblem of the Warmind is an interesting card that offers an ability rather sought after in Magic: The Gathering – granting haste to creatures you control. This card subtly echoes the functionality of Fervor, a classic which also foregoes tapping creatures when they come into play. Emblem of the Warmind, however, is enchanting because it attaches to a creature, making it both a boon and a potential point of vulnerability.

Another card that parallels Emblem of the Warmind is Fires of Yavimaya. Although Fires of Yavimaya bestows haste to all creatures under your command, it can be sacrificed for an instant power boost. This flexibility can be critical in swinging the tide of a game. Conversely, Hammer of Purphoros provides an ongoing effect offering not only haste but also the unique ability to craft creatures from lands, amplifying its utility on the battlefield.

Each of these cards provides distinct advantages, making the choice player-dependent. Emblem of the Warmind distinguishes itself by being both low-cost and creature-based, which can be situationally advantageous or risky. Strategic use of such cards can significantly impact the dynamics of the game, placing Emblem of the Warmind as a notably versatile piece in player arsenals.

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Hammer of Purphoros - MTG Card versions
Fervor - MTG Card versions
Fires of Yavimaya - MTG Card versions
Hammer of Purphoros - MTG Card versions

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Emblem of the Warmind grants your creatures haste, enabling them to attack immediately and potentially draw out resources from an opponent earlier in the match.

Resource Acceleration: By giving haste to creatures, this enchantment allows you to utilize newly summoned creatures without the general waiting period, effectively speeding up your offensive capabilities and resource use.

Instant Speed: Although Emblem of the Warmind itself is not an instant, it can synergize well with instant speed spells by ensuring that any creatures you cast can respond more quickly to evolving board states.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: To activate Emblem of the Warmind’s abilities, players must often discard cards from their hand. This condition can be quite taxing, especially when your hand is already dwindling, and you could be forced to throw away a pivotal piece of your strategy.

Specific Mana Cost: Emblem of the Warmind demands a precise combination of mana to cast, which can hamper deck versatility. Decks that aren’t tailored to generate the exact mana needed might find incorporating this card challenging, particularly in the early stages of the game when mana resources are crucial.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With a higher casting cost than some other options available in the game, Emblem of the Warmind may not be the most mana-efficient choice. Players could find that, when looking to optimize their mana curve, there are alternative cards that could provide greater immediate impact or versatility for the same or lower mana investment.

Reasons to Include Emblem of the Warmind in Your Collection

Versatility: Emblem of the Warmind grants haste to all of your creatures, meaning it can seamlessly integrate into any deck that aims to be fast-paced and aggressive. It’s particularly useful in decks that want to catch opponents off-guard with swift creature-based attacks.

Combo Potential: This enchantment pairs excellently with other cards that benefit from attacking or tapping creatures. This card can instantly activate tap and untap abilities, enabling a multitude of combinations and making it a useful tool in intricate combo setups.

Meta-Relevance: Fast-paced decks are often a formidable force in many MTG metas. Adding Emblem of the Warmind can significantly boost the pace of your gameplay, allowing you to put pressure on control decks before they establish their game plan.

How to beat

Emblem of the Warmind is a nuanced but potent force in the MTG realm, granting all creatures you control haste. It’s nestled into the category of Aura enchantments, providing a considerable tactical advantage. The ability to attack immediately after your creatures hit the battlefield can be a game-changer, catching opponents off guard and accelerating your board’s influence. That being said, overcoming this speed boost is crucial during play.

One method is to introduce removal spells to the field, specifically those targeting enchantments. Disenchant and Naturalize serve as classic examples for their efficient cost and immediate resolution. These can effectively disrupt your opponent’s tempo by removing Emblem of the Warmind from play, abruptly halting the haste advantage. Another strategy is abundant creature removal. By maintaining clear board control, the haste provided becomes less relevant. Spells like Doom Blade or Day of Judgment can sweep the field clean, mitigating the pressure of swift attackers.

In essence, addressing Emblem of the Warmind centers on preparedness. Arm your deck with enchantment answers and creature control measures. Doing so ensures that you can negate the immediate threat of a speed-induced onslaught and maintain control of the game’s pace.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Emblem of the Warmind MTG card by a specific set like Future Sight, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Emblem of the Warmind and other MTG cards:

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Magic the Gathering formats where Emblem of the Warmind has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Emblem of the Warmind card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2007-05-01 Although this is an Aura, Emblem of the Warmind has no ability that specifically references the enchanted creature.