Burn from Within MTG Card

Offers removal of in-game threats by dealing damage that is scalable with mana investment. Exiles creatures if killed, preventing graveyard recursion and triggering death effects. Limited by heavy red mana needs, potentially restricting deck versatility.
Card setsReleased in 3 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost1

Text of card

Burn from Within deals X damage to target creature or player. If a creature is dealt damage this way, it loses indestructible until end of turn. If that creature would die this turn, exile it instead.

Cards like Burn from Within

Burn from Within is an intriguing spell in the burn category of Magic: The Gathering. It invites comparison with other spells like Fireball, a card with a long history in the game. Both cards offer the flexibility to scale the damage based on available mana, making them adaptable to different stages of the match. However, Burn from Within shines with its ability to deal damage that cannot be prevented and its potential to remove indestructible creatures from the game, something Fireball cannot do.

Another card to consider alongside Burn from Within is Red Sun’s Zenith. Like Burn from Within, Red Sun’s Zenith can be used to target creatures or players. It also has the ability to shuffle back into the library, allowing for repeated use. Despite this unique recycling feature, Red Sun’s Zenith doesn’t offer the same permanence removal that Burn from Within provides.

Evaluating the characteristics of these cards, it becomes evident that Burn from Within holds a firm place among damage-dealing spells for its precision and power to bypass common defenses, positioning it as a valuable card for MTG players seeking to strategically eliminate threats.

Fireball - MTG Card versions
Red Sun's Zenith - MTG Card versions
Fireball - MTG Card versions
Red Sun's Zenith - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Burn from Within by color, type and mana cost

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Firebolt - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: With its ability to deal damage directly to a creature or player, Burn from Within has the potential to swing the game in your favor. While it doesn’t provide card draw, it can directly remove key threats, effectively reducing your opponent’s resources and improving your position.

Resource Acceleration: Burn from Within may not offer direct resource acceleration in the form of additional mana or treasure tokens, but by spending mana to eliminate blockers or threats, it accelerates your game plan towards victory. Efficiently dealing with obstacles can be just as impactful as accelerating your own resources.

Instant Speed: While Burn from Within is a sorcery, its scalable damage allows for strategic planning to maximize your turn. You have control over how much mana to invest, enabling precise calculations for removing creatures or closing out the game. This calculated mana investment can be as effective as taking instant-speed actions by aligning with your winning strategy.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Even though Burn from Within doesn’t ask you to discard, strategizing the timing to play this card can be critical due to its specific mana needs. Failing to utilize it effectively can lead to wasted turns and opportunities.

Specific Mana Cost: Burn from Within calls for a substantial amount of red mana which may not align well with multicolor deck strategies. This necessity can potentially hinder its inclusion in decks that cannot reliably produce large amounts of red mana.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: With its starting mana cost combined with its X value, Burn from Within can have a relatively high mana investment, particularly when aiming for significant damage numbers. This can be problematic in faster-paced games where mana efficiency is key to victory.

Reasons to Include Burn from Within in Your Collection

Versatility: Burn from Within is a flexible removal spell that can deal with a variety of threats. Its ability to target any creature and exile it if it would die makes it a valuable addition to your red deck, ensuring threats don’t recur from the graveyard.

Combo Potential: This card synergizes well with strategies that increase spell damage or red mana. Its scalable damage means it can be a game finisher in combination with cards that double spell effects or in a deck that focuses on ramping up red mana.

Meta-Relevance: As creatures with indestructible abilities or those that benefit from graveyard strategies populate the meta, Burn from Within becomes a pertinent choice. The fact that it can remove these threats permanently and prevent any death triggers from occurring gives it a solid place in the current competitive scene.

How to beat

Burn from Within is a powerful removal option in the world of MTG. This red spell not only deals damage to a creature equal to the mana invested but also ensures that if a creature would die this turn, it is exiled instead of sent to the graveyard. This aspect of the card is crucial, as it denies any death-triggered abilities or potential for reanimation, presenting a significant hurdle for opponents relying on such strategies.

To effectively navigate around this spell, consider using instant-speed hexproof abilities to protect your creatures at critical moments. Employing counter spells can also intercept Burn from Within before it affects your board. If you anticipate heavy use of this spell, building a deck less focused on key individual creatures and more on generating value through other means like tokens or spell synergies might diminish the impact of a single removal spell on your overall strategy. Careful management of your creature’s exposure to open mana from a red opponent will also limit their opportunities to employ this potent card against you.

Altogether, while Burn from Within can be a formidable card, foresight and smart deck construction can preserve your creatures and maintain your pathway to victory, even against this fiery challenge.

BurnMana Recommendations

Mastering MTG is about choosing the right cards and when to play them. Burn from Within exemplifies a strategic spell that can turn the tides in your favor, whether you’re up against creatures with indestructible or those that linger after death. Its ability to deal unpreventable damage and exile threats makes it a compelling choice for any red deck enthusiast. Keen on understanding how to make the most of this fiery spell or how to defend against it in your match-ups? Visit us to deepen your knowledge and enhance your MTG tactics with Burn from Within.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Burn from Within MTG card by a specific set like Shadows over Innistrad and Shadows over Innistrad Promos, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Burn from Within and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Burn from Within Magic the Gathering card was released in 3 different sets between 2016-04-08 and 2023-03-21. Illustrated by James Ryman.

12016-04-08Shadows over InnistradSOI 1482015NormalBlackJames Ryman
22016-04-08Shadows over Innistrad PromosPSOI 148s2015NormalBlackJames Ryman
32023-03-21Shadows over Innistrad RemasteredSIR 1472015NormalBlackJames Ryman


Magic the Gathering formats where Burn from Within has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Burn from Within card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2016-04-08 If Burn from Within doesn’t deal damage to the target creature (perhaps because that damage was prevented or X is 0), neither additional effect will apply. It won’t lose indestructible, and it won’t be exiled instead of dying that turn.
2016-04-08 The damaged creature will be exiled if it would die for any reason that turn, not just if it dies due to damage from Burn from Within.
2016-04-08 You can target a creature that doesn’t have indestructible with Burn from Within. It will still be exiled if it would die this turn.