Barrage of Expendables MTG Card

Barrage of Expendables turns creatures into direct damage, offering a dynamic form of card advantage. Instant speed sacrifices disrupt opponents, providing significant flexibility and strategic depth. While offering control, it demands resource investment, sometimes at critical gameplay junctures.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost1

Text of card

, Sacrifice a creature: Barrage of Expendables deals 1 damage to target creature or player.

Goblin generals don't distinguish between troops and ammunition.

Cards like Barrage of Expendables

Barrage of Expendables offers MTG players a unique take on creature sacrifice mechanics. When looking at cards with comparable abilities, one can’t help but think of Goblin Bombardment, an iconic card that also allows players to sacrifice a creature for direct damage. Both cards excel in strategies that generate a surplus of expendable creatures but differ in their mana cost and activation requirements.

Another comparable card is Bloodthrone Vampire, which provides a different kind of advantage when you sacrifice a creature, offering a temporary power boost instead of dealing damage directly. While the boost can swing games, Barrage of Expendables offers the certainty of chipping away at an opponent’s life total or removing key creatures.

Lastly, there’s Ashnod’s Altar, which is vintage in the world of sacrificing-based cards. Unlike Barrage of Expendables, Ashnod’s Altar forgoes damage for colorless mana, which can be vital for fueling big plays or a sudden rush of creatures. The flexibility in usage makes Barrage of Expendables a unique option for players keen on controlling the board while weakening their opponent.

Through these comparisons, we see Barrage of Expendables standing out in MTG as a specialized tool for particular game plans, cementing its place in formats that favor aggressive and sacrifice-heavy decks.

Goblin Bombardment - MTG Card versions
Bloodthrone Vampire - MTG Card versions
Ashnod's Altar - MTG Card versions
Goblin Bombardment - MTG Card versions
Bloodthrone Vampire - MTG Card versions
Ashnod's Altar - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Barrage of Expendables by color, type and mana cost

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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Barrage of Expendables offers a unique form of card advantage by turning each creature into potential direct damage. This allows players to convert excess or disposable creatures into a form of removal or a final push for victory.

Resource Acceleration: While not directly providing mana, Barrage of Expendables can be a form of resource acceleration in decks that generate numerous tokens or creatures at a low cost. It leverages these creatures as a resource for its ability, essentially quickening the pace at which you can utilize your board presence for impactful plays.

Instant Speed: The ability to sacrifice a creature at instant speed gives players the flexibility to respond to opponents’ actions. It can disrupt combat math, foil removal spells targeting your creatures, and present unexpected challenges for opponents, all while weaving into your strategy at any point during the game.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Barrage of Expendables necessitates the sacrifice of a creature to activate its ability, potentially depleting your creature base which might hinder your board presence.

Specific Mana Cost: This enchantment costs one red mana to cast, committing your deck to include red mana sources which may not align with all strategies or color combinations.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: The card features an activation cost for its ability, demanding an ongoing mana investment that can be untenable during critical turns, especially when mana could be allocated to more impactful plays.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: Barrage of Expendables offers a unique flexibility to red-leaning decks, allowing players to turn their creatures into direct damage at a moment’s notice. This can be particularly useful in decks that have a lot of token generation.

Combo Potential: With the ability to sacrifice a creature for a single red mana, Barrage of Expendables can be a key piece in decks that focus on sacrifice for benefit strategies, triggering abilities like ‘whenever a creature dies’ for incremental advantage.

Meta-Relevance: In environments where creature-based combo decks or strategies that stack beneficial death triggers are common, Barrage of Expendables can serve as a low-cost utility card, making it a relevant choice for anyone looking to counter or implement such tactics effectively.

How to beat

Barrage of Expendables introduces a unique ability to the battlefield in Magic the Gathering, giving players the option to sacrifice a creature for a specific effect. To successfully navigate against this red enchantment, it’s important to grasp both its potential and its limitations. Unlike cards that offer passive benefits without any cost, Barrage of Expendables requires an active sacrifice, making it predictable and potentially resource-depleting.

To counteract Barrage of Expendables, consider using removal spells on key creatures your opponent might sacrifice, or employ graveyard recursion to mitigate the impact of sacrificed creatures. Cards that grant your creatures indestructible or hexproof for a turn can also nullify the damage Barrage of Expendables could deal. Furthermore, having a robust life total or creatures with high toughness can render the direct damage from Barrage of Expendables less effective.

In essence, while it offers strategic flexibility, it also signals to your opponent a reliance on creature presence. Therefore, keeping pressure on their creature resources or rendering the ability inconsequential are effective ways to handle the enchantment, keeping you firmly in control of the game dynamics.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Barrage of Expendables MTG card by a specific set like Magic 2014 and Jumpstart, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Barrage of Expendables and other MTG cards:

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Continue exploring other sealed products in Amazon
See MTG Products


The Barrage of Expendables Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2013-07-19 and 2020-07-17. Illustrated by Trevor Claxton.

12013-07-19Magic 2014M14 1272003NormalBlackTrevor Claxton
22020-07-17JumpstartJMP 2922015NormalBlackTrevor Claxton


Magic the Gathering formats where Barrage of Expendables has restrictions


Rules and information

The reference guide for Magic: The Gathering Barrage of Expendables card rulings provides official rulings, any errata issued, as well as a record of all the functional modifications that have occurred.

Date Text
2013-07-01 Barrage of Expendables deals the damage, not the sacrificed creature. Notably, that creature having deathtouch or lifelink provides no additional benefit.
2013-07-01 Because targets are chosen before costs are paid, it is possible to choose a creature as the target of the ability and then sacrifice that creature. The ability won’t resolve when it tries to resolve and no damage will be dealt.