Ashling, the Extinguisher Avatar MTG Card

Forcing opponents to sacrifice creatures through combat damage grants strategic board control opportunities. Ashling’s mana demands and discard requirements may limit versatility and deck integration potential. In the right deck, Ashling could serve as a powerful tool for maintaining dominance against creature-heavy opponents.
Ashling, the Extinguisher Avatar - Magic Online Avatars
Set symbol
Set nameMagic Online Avatars
Set codePMOA
Illustred byUDON

Text of card

: Destroy all nonland permanents. Activate this ability only once and only during your turn.

Cards like Ashling, the Extinguisher Avatar

Ashling, the Extinguisher stands out among legendary creatures in the vast library of MTG cards. What sets it apart is its potential for targeted removal upon inflicting combat damage to a player. This ability echoes the function of cards like Avatar of Woe, which also boasts the capacity to destroy creatures, but without the need to deal combat damage, and with a mana cost that is activated rather than a trigger.

Another peer in the realm of nightmarish creatures is Royal Assassin, a card that shares the targeted destruction ability but requires the creature to be tapped and operates at a fixed mana cost ability activation. This grants Ashling, the Extinguisher a form of tactical advantage as she does not need the creature to be in a vulnerable tapped state to execute her ability.

When analyzing the implications of board control, Ashling, the Extinguisher’s passive trigger creates an intriguing dynamic, encouraging opponents to reassess their defense strategies, as any unblocked attack from her could result in the loss of a significant threat. While other cards offer more immediate or less conditional removal, Ashling’s ongoing board presence and removal potential with each attack make her an appealing choice in decks capitalizing on direct player confrontation and creature tactics.

Avatar of Woe - MTG Card versions
Royal Assassin - MTG Card versions
Avatar of Woe - MTG Card versions
Royal Assassin - MTG Card versions

Card Pros

Card Advantage: Ashling, the Extinguisher’s ability to force opponents to sacrifice creatures can effectively deplete their board presence, providing you with a significant advantage over the course of the game. This disruptive capability ensures you’re not just pressing the attack, but also chipping away at the resources your opponent needs to fend you off.

Resource Acceleration: While Ashling herself doesn’t directly provide resource acceleration, her ability’s requirement to target an opponent when damaging them indirectly pressures opponents to commit more resources defensively. This tactical layer can put you ahead as you continue to develop your board and mana base unhindered.

Instant Speed: Ashling the Extinguisher excels at creating a dynamic that favors you during the critical timing of spells and abilities. While her ability isn’t at instant speed, the threat of imminent activation demands respect from your opponents, who must play cautiously lest they lose key creatures outside of their own turn’s sanctuary.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: When looking at Ashling, the Extinguisher, one of the limitations is its triggered ability. This ability compels you to choose a card to discard should you opt to exploit its effect. This can put you at a significant disadvantage if your hand is already running thin, hindering your strategic options and potentially leaving you vulnerable to your opponent’s plays.

Specific Mana Cost: Ashling, the Extinguisher, comes with a very specific mana requirement, restricting it mainly to mono-black or black-centric decks. If you’re looking to build a more versatile deck or one that pulls from a wider color palette, Ashling might not fit seamlessly into your strategy due to these stringent mana cost constraints.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Despite its intriguing capabilities, Ashling’s mana cost is relatively steep. At four mana, including three black mana symbols, it demands a heavy investment that might not align with your curve. When you compare Ashling to other cards at similar or lower mana costs, you may find that they offer more immediate impact or versatility in a broader range of deck archetypes.

Reasons to Include Ashling, the Extinguisher Avatar in Your Collection

Versatility: Ashling, the Extinguisher Avatar has a place in a wide array of deck builds, aligning with strategies that prioritize removal of key threats. Its ability to eliminate creatures each time it deals combat damage to a player makes it an asset in games that require precision and control.

Combo Potential: This avatar thrives in synergy with cards that ensure it can connect with opponents, such as those granting evasion or additional combat phases. Its potential to act as a repeatable creature removal engine can be a vital component of combos that clear the field for your strategy to take the lead.

Meta-Relevance: Considering the ever-shifting MTG environment, incorporating a card like Ashling, the Extinguisher Avatar can be a strategic counter to creature-heavy decks that dominate the scene. Its ability to pick off creatures turn by turn can give you an upper hand, maintaining board control in various meta scenarios.

How to beat

Ashling, the Extinguisher demands attention on the battlefield with her targeted creature removal ability. When she connects with a player, that player is forced to sacrifice a creature they control. To successfully navigate this threat, it’s crucial to prevent Ashling from dealing combat damage. This can be achieved through several strategies, including using creatures with the reach or flying ability to block her, deploying instant removal spells before she can attack, or playing enchantments that restrict your opponent’s ability to declare attackers.

Moreover, countering Ashling’s ability is another effective bench. Cards like Stifle or Trickbind can stop her triggered ability in its tracks and protect your creatures from being sacrificed. It’s also beneficial to manage your board wisely, keeping less valuable creatures on the field as potential sacrifices if Ashling’s ability does go off. Having a plan to deal with her and maintaining board control are key to outlasting the Extinguisher’s grasp.

In essence, while Ashling, the Extinguisher poses a significant challenge, with a mix of tactical prevention and well-timed responses, you can extinguish the threat she represents and maintain an advantage over your opponent.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Ashling, the Extinguisher Avatar MTG card by a specific set like Magic Online Avatars, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Ashling, the Extinguisher Avatar and other MTG cards:

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