Acquire MTG Card

Card acquisition enhances strategic options and increases one’s card pool for a competitive edge. Boosted mana resources and instant speed plays offer flexibility and tempo in matches. Acquiring specific cards may sometimes come with strategic and resource-based trade-offs.
Card setsReleased in 2 setsSee all
Mana cost
Converted mana cost5

Text of card

Search target opponent's library for an artifact card and put that card into play under your control. Then that player shuffles his or her library.

Sometimes "innovation" means "stealing another's secret before anyone else can."

Cards like Acquire

The card Acquire in Magic: The Gathering is an intriguing draw card in the game. Comparable to this card, we find Fabricate, which allows you to search for an artifact card. Despite some similarities, Acquire stands out due to its ability to pull an artifact from an opponent’s deck, providing a unique twist to the game dynamic. Fabricate, however, grants you access only to your cards without any special bonus.

Another card bearing a resemblance to Acquire is Bezzerk. Bezzerk doesn’t let you pull artifacts from opponent’s decks directly like Acquire does, whether it works with any type of card in your deck, as long as you have enough life-points to spare. Then there’s the Tribunal’s Scepter, which also manipulates an opponent’s deck but lacks the instantaneous utility of Acquire, requiring time to ‘charge up’ the effect.

In conclusion, Acquire holds a strong position within card draw spells for its unique functionality. It provides a strategic advantage by accessing and using opponent’s artifact cards, proving it to be a worthy utility in any MTG match.

Fabricate - MTG Card versions
Fabricate - MTG Card versions

Cards similar to Acquire by color, type and mana cost

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Traumatize - MTG Card versions
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Devastation Tide - MTG Card versions
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Card Pros

Card Advantage: Acquiring a MTG card poses great potential for card advantage. It enables the addition of powerful cards to your variety pack. This can rapidly lead to a larger card pool, boosting your strategic edge over adversaries.

Resource Acceleration: Your resource acceleration benefits significantly. Each time you acquire a MTG card, you expand your mana scope. This results in stronger board positions, escalating your game tempo and edging your advantage over opponents.

Instant Speed: The acquisition of a MTG card offers instant injection of strategy flexibility. Owing to its immediate availability, it allows last-minute alterations to your laid-out strategies, granting better control over the game progression at all times.

Card Cons

Discard Requirement: Selected cards may impose a discard requirement. This means you need to let go of a card from your hand as an extra cost when you play the card. This can be disadvantageous especially when you are running low on hand resources, limiting your in-game strategic decisions.

Specific Mana Cost: Some cards come with designated color mana cost. With Acquire cards, you may find the requirement of a blue mana which might restrict its application only to certain deck types, thereby restricting the player’s overall flexibility.

Comparatively High Mana Cost: Acquire cards carry a measurable mana cost. While the effecting result of these cards can be significant, the cost factor is relatively high. This might reduce its competitiveness, considering that there are other alternative cards offering better efficacy or more rapid resource development at a potentially lower mana cost.

Reasons to Include in Your Collection

Versatility: The “Acquire Mtg Card” exhibits immense adaptability because it can be easily integrated into various deck types. This versatility is an invaluable asset in the unpredictable and eclectic world of Magic the Gathering gameplay.

Combo Potential: Embodying both charm and strategy, the “Acquire Mtg Card” has a promising combo potential. The card is known to synergize adeptly with an array of abilities, opening up a plethora of strategies for the holder. The Opportunities for combos can be the cornerstone of any winning game.

Meta-Relevance: As the metagame changes, “Acquire Mtg Card” remains relevant. Whether dealing with heavy control decks, or simply playing for fun, this card ensures you stay in the competitive curve. Its contribution to the current metagame can never be overlooked, thus making it a must-have for every MTG collection.

How to Beat

Acquire is a standout within Magic: The Gathering’s extensive roster of artifacts fetch spells. Functionally akin to spells like Fabricate, Acquire provides the ability to search for any artifact from an opponent’s library, an asset Fabricate lacks. However, Acquire is a double-edged sword with its stipulation on the control transfer of the fetched artifact to the caster.

Parallel to Acquire is Whir of Invention. Similar to Acquire in fetching artifacts, the Whir of Invention bestows a flexibility factor with its scalable cost X. It provides a diverse game plan in comparison to Acquire’s flat cost of five mana. Moreover, it has an edge with its instant speed capabilities as opposed to Acquire’s sorcery speed.

Study, then, Tinker – a notorious member of this niche. Tinker exchanges an artifact you own for one from your deck, giving you more control over what you get compared to Acquire. However, the benefit comes at the cost of sacrificing an artifact.

To sum up, understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and alternatives of Acquire aids in strategizing effective counterplay in Magic: The Gathering, shaping it into a crucial aspect in mastering the game.

BurnMana Recommendations

Gathering new MTG cards is a foundational aspect of enhancing your gameplay, granting you card advantage, resource acceleration, and a chance to flex your strategic muscles at instant speed. As you navigate the MTG realm, weighing the pros like adaptability and combo potential against the cons such as specific mana requirements is key to assembling a formidable deck. Whether you’re aiming to dominate the competitive scene or simply enjoy intricate playstyles, acquiring new MTG cards keeps you at the forefront of the ever-evolving metagame. If you’re ready to refine your collection and master the art of the game, join our community for richer insights and strategies.

Where to buy

If you're looking to purchase Acquire MTG card by a specific set like Fifth Dawn and IDW Comics Inserts, there are several reliable options to consider. One of the primary sources is your local game store, where you can often find booster packs, individual cards, and preconstructed decks from current and some past sets. They often offer the added benefit of a community where you can trade with other players.

For a broader inventory, particularly of older sets, online marketplaces like TCGPlayer, Card Kingdom and Card Market offer extensive selections and allow you to search for cards from specific sets. Larger e-commerce platforms like eBay and Amazon also have listings from various sellers, which can be a good place to look for sealed product and rare finds.

Additionally, Magic’s official site often has a store locator and retailer lists for finding Wizards of the Coast licensed products. Remember to check for authenticity and the condition of the cards when purchasing, especially from individual sellers on larger marketplaces.

Below is a list of some store websites where you can buy the Acquire and other MTG cards:

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See MTG Products


The Acquire Magic the Gathering card was released in 2 different sets between 2004-06-04 and 2012-01-01. Illustrated by 2 different artists.

12004-06-04Fifth Dawn5DN 212003NormalBlackDaren Bader
22012-01-01IDW Comics InsertsPIDW 162003NormalBlackAnthony Francisco


Magic the Gathering formats where Acquire has restrictions
